Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Very Shallow Pool

The WA Libs are seriously short of talent.

The alternatives for the leadership are:
1. A personable farmer who is stupid enough to point a loaded rifle at one of his children and then proceed to blow his son's thumb off. Lucky he didn't kill him. Too stupid to own a rifle, too stupid to lead a political party. Threatens to flatten anyone who suggests his time might be over but couldn't knock the skin off a custard. A political lightweight, and
2. A buffoon who gets drunk while at a trade convention, acts like a drunken clown in the Parliament, interferes with the underwear of a female who isn't his wife, neglects his duty to attend divisions and to represent his electorate in the Parliament and has clandestine carpark meetings with disgraced powerbrokers and lobbyists.

The fact that the Liberal Party is so short of talent comes as no surprise.

For almost 20 years, factions that control State Council and stack every branch possible have systematically removed any potential candidate outside of their faction that showed even a glimmer of talent.

Rather than view talented candidates as an asset, those that control the Liberal party perceived an unaligned candidate as a threat because "they can't be controlled". Unaligned candidates - whatever they might have to offer the Party - are eliminated.

Very qualified and experienced candidates are overlooked in favour of tired hacks on the verge of retirement and creative membership recruitment practitioners.

The result is that the Libs are all but irrelevant in State Politics in WA.

The time is rapidly approaching for a new conservative party to fill the void created by the collapse of the Liberals.

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